This week I had a wonderful time with my Mimi. Here are some pics of me playing with my easter eggs, enjoying a good bath just like the old days (just kidding) and listening to daddy tell some funny jokes! Thanks for hanging out with me this week Mimi!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
We hope this finds all of our friends and family doing well this Easter. So many times during our busy work week we forget to slow down and be thankful for all the little joys we have in our lives. Enjoy these pictures of Kaleb and take a moment to remember the sacrifice Jesus gave to us all.
Saturday was such a beautiful day outside we got to try out my new stroller!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Kaleb is 3 months old!
This past Thursday, Kaleb turned 3 months old! The time has flown by, and he has already changed so much. We weighed him at home the other day and he was up to 19 pounds. Nobody better tell me this boys not getting enough to eat! He's doubled his birth weight in 3 months! We just got back from visiting Mimi and Grandpa and going to a friends wedding this weekend. Kaleb loves his golfing outfit that Grandpa got him. He's just waiting for his golf clubs now so he can get out there and play.
He hasn't found his own thumb yet, but Kaleb can find anyone else's. Here he is sucking Mommy's thumb. Nothing else will do. He doesn't want teethers, toys, or a pacifier. Mom's thumb will do. Too bad Mom's got a job and can't be there 24/7.
I love this smile! He's started smiling so much more and even started giggling this week. It's so cute! It's sounds like a little grunt. He's still trying to figure it out himself.
And Happy St. Patty's Day... Kaleb was watching the fish in Mimi and Grandpa's backyard. We watched the fish for awhile and decided to take him down to the lake to see and feed the Duck's. I didn't get any of those pictures though since my camera battery died.
We finally headed home on Monday night. This past week, Kaleb has also gotten really interested in his toys. He gets a good grip on his rattle and really shakes it. Sometimes he gets too excited, hits himself in the head and gets really mad. Here he is playing with his little bug on the way home. It makes a lot of noises that he really likes.
Now Mommy and Kaleb have the rest of the week to enjoy. I love spring break! (and then only 10 more weeks of school until summer break!)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
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