Check out all these teeth! Here are the top four...
And here are the bottom 6! Those back two just came in a couple of weeks ago and I finally got a good picture of them!
Anytime you ask Kaleb, "Where's your belly?", he grabs/slaps his belly and laughs! Sometimes he'll grab it and shake it up and down.
And now for the good stuff! Kaleb is just now 14 months old and has a mind of his own. When he wants something, he wants it now! He definitely understands the word "no", but doesn't like it! If we leave the bathroom door open he'll shake his finger, tell us "no no", and run in there. This goes for anything he's not supposed to do, anywhere he's not supposed to go, and anything he's not supposed to touch! Tells us "no" and does it anyway!
He has always loved pushing our speakers backward into the wall. Tonight, he would not accept "No" for an answer. He pitched the biggest fit over touching this speaker. The video says it all...
If this is what we get at 14 months, I'm not sure how we're going to make it through the "terrible twos"!
Hang in there! He is so cute even when he's trying to get his way. I know the cute where's off quickly! Don't worry about the two's... three is way worse! HA! Just kidding (kind of). I love seeing how he is growing up on your blog and can't wait to see you guys in person. Lake weather will be here before we know it!
Mimi and Grandpa check this blog everyday. Keep the great pictures and post coming! We love you guys!!
Granbury loves your BLOG! Please keep the pictures coming! I'm not sure about poor Kaleb's tantrum video......Don't think I saw any real tears. He is too cute! Can't wait to see him this weekend!
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