Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend we traveled up to Granbury, TX to visit with Mimi, PawPaw, and the rest of the family and friends. It was a busy weekend, but we had a lot of fun. Here are some highlights from the weekend....

Kaleb rode the train at the Fort Worth Zoo and loved it! Choo Choo!

Jumping in the bounce house...
On Saturday, we made it up to see Mindy, Matt, and Avery who turned 1! Here's Kaleb trying to figure out how he can sneak some of her cake without anyone noticing!
That night, we met Mimi, PawPaw, Kasey, Katie, James, Donna, and Clayton for dinner at Babe's Chicken. Here's the boys after they ate acting silly!
Easter morning! Kaleb was following the trail of Easter eggs leading to his Easter basket.
Here he is showing off his new transformer!
After napping, we went up to the Country Club to have lunch. The two couples...
After lunch guess who came to visit!
Ready to hunt eggs!
a little too ready! He didn't understand why he had to wait for everyone else.
still waiting... look what Kaleb drew!
and we're off!
He found about eight eggs and that was all he wanted. He sat himself down on the ground and emptied them all out in front of us to figure out what was inside.

Easter blessings to all! (even if I'm a little late!)

1 comment:

Angie said...

He's getting so big! Sydney sent Kevin a letter in mail today. I'm sure Kevin will be thrilled to get mail from his 5 year old stalker.