Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break Day 3 - The Park

We had another relaxing/productive day today. After playing, napping, meeting Daddy for lunch, and shopping at Target, Kaleb and I headed to the park. I kept telling him we were going to the park and he's really getting to where he understands now, so he kept looking. When we pulled up and parked he was soooo excited, kicking his legs, yelling (happy yells), trying to get out of the carseat himself! As soon as I put him down it was off to the races. Here he is as we arrived...
Playing in the "choo choo"...
He LOVED the swing today!
After the park, we came home and opened the toy we bought at Target. A bubble maker! Kaleb kept trying to blow back into the machine and would get mad when the bubbles would blow in his face. He was excited though to show it to his friend next door. He pulled her over and kept pointing to it.
This was my happy baby after his afternoon nap! I haven't seen a better smile than that in ages!
I just thought this was funny. Kaleb found his beanie and made me help him put it on. Then he ran to his room and came back with this set of keys he got from Nana. It's kind of like a mini boom box and plays nursury rhymes that sound more like rap songs. Sooooo....introducing my little rapper....Baby K!
Stay tuned for St. Pattys Day, doctor visit, and date night at the rodeo...

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