Sunday, November 18, 2007

More Belly Pics

This "little" boy has just about outgrown his home. This was me at 37 weeks!
Here's Daddy and Baby! My belly takes up half the picture! Baby really starts moving when Daddy starts talking to him.
Now, here I am today at 38 weeks. Even bigger than last week, and he's still not due for two more weeks. I'm not sure if I can wait that long, but it's not up to me!


Alright, I know it's been awhile since we've posted anything, but I think I have a pretty good excuse. This little boy inside me is wearing me out! Once I make it through the day at work, I come home to rest. Anyway, I'll try to make up for it now. Here is a picture of Kevin and I at Stacy's wedding a couple of weeks ago. It was beautiful and we had a lot of fun.
On November 5th, the Special Education Department at school threw me a baby shower. This is the only picture I have from the shower since I was the one opening all the gifts. Mom's got the rest of them so I'll post more later when I get them. The cake was soo cute that we didn't want to cut it.

After our last baby shower, we were able to put the finishing touches on the baby's room. You can see some of it below, but you really need to see it in person to get the whole effect.

And finally, poor Mav was kicked outside. :( Here's a picture of daddy spending some time with the poor little baby in his new home. We've got him all set up and he seems to be adjusting well. I think it was harder for us than him!