Monday, October 18, 2010

just some pictures of my kids...because they're cute!


Poppy made a last minute business trip and stopped by for a visit!
On October 10th, Bella ate her first veggie...sweet potatoes!
Not so bad!
Eats some more...
"What are you feeding me Mom?"
Seriously, she ate 3 or 4 bites happily before she started making those faces. She's done well since then though.
Look who's getting ready to crawl!
Sweet boy...

Happy half-birthday Bella!

Our baby girl was six months old on October 7th, 2010! I can't believe how much she has grown and changed! We went outside for a little photo shoot, and although it was difficult since she's not quite sitting up independently, we got some good ones to share.

She has been a blessing!

Some things I want to remember about Bella at this point:
-definitely NOT sleeping through the night!
-eating rice cereal at least once/day
-rolls over both ways...all around the living room!
-loves watching whatever big brother is doing
-has not been sick yet!
-still not on much of a schedule, but were working on that one!
-never took a bottle

Claws and Antlers Everywhere!

On Sunday, October 3rd, we went to cheer on the Texas Rangers. It was the last day of the season and fan appreciation day so many players and coaches were at the gates taking our tickets.
Family Picture!
The girls...
And the boys... "Hey! Look at our cool shirts!"
Pointing at the baseball players...

My baby boy is growing up...
We all had fun, but Kaleb had a blast! He is all about the Rangers now! Let's hope they can pull through this series!

Feed Me!

On September 13, 2010, Bella got to eat solids for the first time. Rice cereal...yum yum yum! Here she is all ready to go in her big girl chair.
Daddy's coming in with the first bite!
She's got an audience!
"Give me more!"
It was a hit! She figured it out pretty fast and was excited to keep eating!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Back where it all began...

September 3, 2005 was the first day of the rest of our lives.
Little did we know that in only five short years, our lives would change so much! On September 3, 2010, our five year wedding anniversary, we decided to load up and take a little family trip to back where it all began. It was planned last minute and we couldn't find a decent cheap hotel, so we even splurged and got to stay at the Hilton (where we had the reception). Once in town, we went up to the campus to reminice and take some pictures. First stop... "going to the chapel and we're gonna get married!"...or where we got married. All Faiths Chapel...
And we coincidentally ran into the only person we know on campus anymore, my cousin Matt, so we were able to get a picture together.
Because it was our anniversary, they let us onto Kyle Field to take some pictures of the kiddos! (Ha, just kidding...the gate was open, so we just walked right in! The security guard pulled up as we were walking out and locked it behind us.) Here is Miss. Bella sitting up for the first time, and it was on Kyle Field!

Our two kiddos!
We had dinner at Cheddar's, went swimming at the hotel, and ordered some chocolate cake and wine from room service to end the night. On Saturday, we spent the day on campus again. Touring, tailgating, and hanging out with friends!
It's amazing how this ring has become one of the hottest tourist spots on campus! Zaab and the foundry did some fine work!
What Kaleb looks forward to most when we visit is watching the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band and the corps march in. Here Kaleb is looking to the right to figure out why the Aggies stopped marching.
These ARE the Aggies according to Kaleb! Who needs the football team when you have the corps? He's so serious when he's watching them. I'll ask him, "What kind of Aggie are you going to be when you get big?" And his response.... "An Aggie that marches!"
Inside the Association of Former Students building, there are several exhibits upstairs. We had never looked around before, but found this one and it looks like we'll be visiting more often. It is an interactive video of the yell leaders teaching you how to lead a yell. Kaleb hopped right up there ready to take charge! This is our video of him practicing...

And the finished product...

It was a great weekend, but more importantly it has been a wonderful five years. We've come a long way and I can't wait to see where we'll be in another five years. I love you Kevin!


Kaleb's FIRST day of school this year!
Walking into his classroom for the FIRST time!
Kaleb's FIRST picture with Mommy at his new school!
Bella's FIRST time in a highchair!
Grandma Wood's FIRST 90th Birthday! (OK, that one was a stretch, but I had to keep going with the theme.) But seriously, 90 years old! We had a wonderful dinner at Red Lobster, a polka dot cake, a matching balloon, and some presents. When she saw the cake she said, "Well nobody's ever made me a cake before!" Awww...glad that made her happy...even if it did come from Albertson's! If you know Kaleb at all, it's not a birthday without a cake so we had to stop. Now Kaleb keeps talking about his birthday and telling us he wants a cake with blue "coconuts" (polka dots) like Grandma!

The BIG move!

Just to start this post off, I thought I'd share a cute picture of these two! I'm not sure how many of these I'll get in their lifetime!
So for the longest time, we have been trying to decide what we want to do with ourselves. (in a nutshell!) After graduating college, Kevin got a job in Houston, Brandy followed, we bought a house, had Kaleb, then got to thinking more long term. Where do we want to raise our family? We loved our house, neighborhood, and family close by, but something was missing. We needed to live somewhere we could raise a family. The elementary around the corner was wonderful, but the middle and high schools...not so much! Still not completely sure what we were doing, but knowing we had to do something... we put our house up for sale. The same day... 3 hours on the market...we got an offer for asking price. Done! We were completely shocked! Not wanting to make a spontaneous purchase and risk buyers remorse, we decided to rent for one year to give ourselves more time to figure things out. The year flew by... There were lots of factors to consider when deciding where we wanted to settle down. Jobs, schools, housing, etc. Long story short...we've always wanted to live on the water and love Lake Granbury when we visit. We decided to make the move in hopes of getting our waterfront property someday. So on August 20th, the kids and I loaded up my car and took off on a new adventure in our lives. Here's Miss. Bella helping me pack!
Mommy and Kaleb working hard... in our matching Dallas Cowboy's shirts!
Daddy came home to help us load up and see us off. So long Houston. :( Although it was a decision we thought long and hard over, we knew it would be hard.
In order to ease the transition and give us some time to get acquainted with the area better, the Bernat's offered to let us stay with them for a little while. So we took them up on the offer. Ready or not, here we come. For the first time in her 4 months old, Bella has a crib of her own!
That same day she took a nap in her own bed for the first time!
Kaleb even gets his own room at Mimi and Papa's house. We moved him in, set him up, then he takes everything back out! Here he is playing with his cousin James who is excited to have him close by.
So here we are... we made the move! Kevin's working, but I have not had any luck finding a teaching job yet. Now we need to get a house of our own. Hopefully things will start falling into place soon. Whatever happens happens! Until then, we pray!
"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4