Sunday, March 29, 2009

It seems like Kaleb has a new word everyday! The boy never stops talking! I've been making a list of all the words he knows and uses. I've listed some of these before, but here's what I've got:

On Saturday, we went to watch Aunt Ellie play soccer. We watched her score a couple of times to win the game!

Here's Kaleb's new trick. This used to be my hiding spot from him. I could put all the bags around the posts on the bench and he couldn't get into them. Not anymore!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break Day 9 - The End

Well today was the final day of our spring break adventures! It was another relaxed day with nothing special planned, but that was what we needed to end this week! We woke up this morning (well, I got to sleep in!) and played around the house with Mimi. We tried to get Kaleb back onto his school schedule, so we gave him his morning nap on time. After napping we went to lunch at Souper Salad with Mimi before she left to go home. Here's Kaleb enjoying his buffet...
This evening we decided to hang out at home and grill some steaks. Daddy and Kaleb were playing in the backyard while the food was cooking. Go, go, go...

After dinner we went for a walk around the block. Kaleb pointed to everything he saw along the way!
Here's Kaleb hugging Mommy as it gets close to bedtime. We've become really attached having this week off together. Hopefully the transition back to school tomorrow goes smoothly!
Kaleb loves his tool bag Maw Maw gave him! Here he is putting his socks inside!
The week has gone by too fast! We have had a lot of fun and dread going back to school, but there are only eleven more weeks to go until summer vacation. I hope you've enjoyed reading about our week, but don't expect this to continue! I'll try to post again next weekend!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Break Day 8 - Shopping and Lupe Tortillas

The spring break countdown is almost over, so today we just tried not to think about going back to school! We didn't do much of anything this morning except play and nap. When Kaleb (and Mommy!) woke up from napping we decided to go shopping at the outlet mall. We got home this afternoon and Kaleb tried on all his new clothes. Here he is in his new swimsuit! Ready for the river!
Cousin Tracy and Clint came over for a visit and Kaleb just jumped right into her arms!
Kaleb was such a show off for them. He read Tracy his book...
showed off his tool set and how he can "fix" everything in the house... (He kept giving that goofy grin too!)
Then we went to dinner at Lupe Tortillas, Mimi's traditional stop when she comes to visit. As always, Kaleb's favorite spot was the sand box. He was really trying to figure out how to climb this rock wall. It was more of his size than the one we saw at the park earlier in the week.
Mommy was teaching Kaleb how to ride the see-saw...
We've got one more day off (sort of...lesson plans to do, bags to pack, meals to plan, etc.). I'm not ready for this to end!

Spring Break Day 7 - The Children's Museum

Today was another fun filled spring break day! We went first thing in the morning to the newly remodeled Children's Museum. It was really neat! The new tot spot was where we spent most of our time, but we bought a membership so we can go back whenever we want! Kaleb loved the ball pit!
Kaleb was on a platform above me and I was looking up at him. He thought it was so funny. He would look at me through the window...
then he would go to the side and look at me from there... back and forth!
This picture is for the dads... (They didn't like the kissing picture, so here's a more manly picture of the boys driving a truck! Move out of the way!)
Then we went to the outside terrace and enjoyed all the ball poppers...
and tricycles...
When we left the museum, Kaleb was completely worn out and slept all the way home. I had to wake him up when we got home so he could eat lunch and take a long nap.
After a good nap, Kaleb woke up just in time to see Mimi pull up in the driveway. We went out to dinner and Kaleb had his first french fries!
After dinner, Mimi babysat so we could go out on another date! We have been on three dates in the past two weeks thanks to all the grandparents! Thank you everyone! This is the only picture we have together on all our dates!
We enjoyed the rodeo, Taylor Swift, carnival games, and funnel cakes before calling it a night!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Break Day 6 - Orange, TX

Today Kaleb and I headed to Orange to see some great-grandparents. We first went to see his Maw Maw and had a lot of fun playing with all the cousins toys while they were at school! We went out to lunch and then stopped by the park on the way back. Here's Kaleb riding the police car at the park...
He finally realized he's not quite ready for rock climbing...
We went back to Maw Maws house and played outside. Maw Maw was teaching Kaleb how to put his feet on the pedals to ride the bike.
When we left Maw Maws house, we went to see Grandma Linn and Grandpa David. Kaleb mopped the patio while Grandma Linn cooked us hamburgers!
Kaleb even decided to help Grandpa David clean the headlights on the car...
Kaleb had a good time and was exhausted just in time for the ride home. He was asleep not even five minutes down the road! We have three more days to enjoy before it's back to the real world!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Break Day 5 - Houston Zoo

This morning, Kaleb and I headed to the Houston Zoo to see some animals. Here we are about to go in...
Here's Kaleb with the giraffe in the background!
Kaleb and his buddy Christian enjoyed riding in the wagon!
Two tired boys surrounded by monkeys yet playing with leaves.
Christian was showing Kaleb his tummy and Kaleb was tickling him!
Best Friends!
We were able to get up close and personal with the monkeys too!
After a long day at the zoo, Kaleb decided not to take an afternoon nap! So he played while Mama cooked spaghetti. He loves spaghetti... especially putting it on his head!

Spring Break Day 4 - Happy St. Patty's Day!

Tuesday morning was Kaleb's 15 month check-up at the doctor. Every time we go he is into everything. And everytime the doctor sees me trying to keep him out of this cabinet she tells me that's why they keep it empty...for the kids to explore. So I let him!
Everything looked great which was really exciting news for me! Kaleb's had five ear infections this year and if he gets one more before September he will have to go see a specialist and have tubes put in. At our ear check-up two weeks ago, his ear infections were gone, but there was a lot of fluid built up in his ears. She put us on Zrytek, then Benadryl to help dry up that fluid so it didn't cause more ear infections. Ears were dry and no infection! We're going to continue this Benadryl as needed for awhile to make sure everything stays that way! At the end of the visit Kaleb got two shots. Here he is at home checking out his battle scars!
And this one's for Grandpa Frank!

After a good nap and a little shoe shopping (Yes, my boy LOVES shoe shopping...screamed when it was time to leave), Kaleb went to stay with Grandma, Grandpa, and his aunts and uncle for the night so Mom and Dad could go on a date! We went to dinner at Pappadeaux's and then headed over to the rodeo to see Keith Urban. It was a great concert and a wonderful night. Thanks to our babysitters!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break Day 3 - The Park

We had another relaxing/productive day today. After playing, napping, meeting Daddy for lunch, and shopping at Target, Kaleb and I headed to the park. I kept telling him we were going to the park and he's really getting to where he understands now, so he kept looking. When we pulled up and parked he was soooo excited, kicking his legs, yelling (happy yells), trying to get out of the carseat himself! As soon as I put him down it was off to the races. Here he is as we arrived...
Playing in the "choo choo"...
He LOVED the swing today!
After the park, we came home and opened the toy we bought at Target. A bubble maker! Kaleb kept trying to blow back into the machine and would get mad when the bubbles would blow in his face. He was excited though to show it to his friend next door. He pulled her over and kept pointing to it.
This was my happy baby after his afternoon nap! I haven't seen a better smile than that in ages!
I just thought this was funny. Kaleb found his beanie and made me help him put it on. Then he ran to his room and came back with this set of keys he got from Nana. It's kind of like a mini boom box and plays nursury rhymes that sound more like rap songs. Sooooo....introducing my little rapper....Baby K!
Stay tuned for St. Pattys Day, doctor visit, and date night at the rodeo...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Break Day 2 - Relaxing

Our day today was pretty laid back. I guess I can blame it on the weather. This cold, wet weather is no fun to be out in. We woke up early as usual (6:30am), played, ate breakfast, napped, went to church, went to lunch, came home, played, napped... Kaleb woke up from his nap crying and Kevin got him up and brought him to me on the couch. He laid down on top of me and fell back asleep! For anyone who does not know, Kaleb NEVER does this. It's always sweet to hold a sleeping baby!
then he woke up in a much better mood... (for a little while anyway) So we played for a little while...
Then we read the paper!
What? You think I made this mess!
After we cleaned up this mess we played a little, ate dinner, played some more (you get the idea), then went to bed. It was a good day but poor Kaleb has still got that runny nose and cough and we think he must have a few teeth about to break through, because he was definitely on edge this evening! We've got his 15 month checkup on Tuesday so we'll make sure everything's alright then!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring Break Day 1 - Rodeo Houston!

I'm glad we enjoyed the warm weather while we could, because winter is back in full force! We braved the cold, wind, and rain today to take Kaleb to the rodeo! We bundled up in sweaters, jackets, hats, packed the stroller with everything we might need for a week, and with two huge umbrellas we made it to Reliant Center to see the exhibitions. I thought we'd be the only crazy people to go out to the rodeo in this weather, but I was way wrong! Kaleb had a good time. He was very curious as to what was going on. Here's our 15 month old little boy in the barrel...
I love Kaleb's arm around Daddy's neck...
Looking at the rabbits...
This was in the petting zoo. I was afraid Kaleb would be too scared of the animals, but again I was way wrong. He loved it! Some of the bigger animals who were searching for food were kind of rough, but he didn't care at all. Here he is petting his first deer!
After all the excitement, we rode the choo choo (tram) back to our car. I love this little guy!
We hope to go back another day when the weather cooperates and enjoy all of the outside festivities. It is finally spring break and we don't have any big plans except relaxing, recovering, and preparing for the long stretch until summer break. I'll keep you updated this week!